Welcome to the HPC4SME Assessment Tool!

Is your organisation ready to lift towards Industry 4.0? 

HPC4SMEIn several projects within EuroHPC programme like FF4EuroHPC, European SMEs can develop unique products, innovative business opportunities and become more competitive by using European high-end HPC services. Open Calls of these projects are mainly targeting the highest quality experiments involving innovative, agile SMEs who are first-time HPC users. Check European Success Stories here.

How the HPC4SME Assessment Tool works?

aatSMEs who want to find out if they have a potential to use supercomputing technology are invited to fulfil the HPC4SME questionnaire.

It is FREE of CHARGE, SAFE, GDPR compliant and reliable, so don’t hesitate to USE it NOW!

After the questionnaire is completed you will receive the full report on their potential and readiness with valuable recommendations.  

If you have any problems filling out the questionnaire, please contact us.

**HPC4SME Assessment Tool was developed within the Sesame.net project (H2020, EINFRA-6-2014) and was upgraded during EuroCC project (H2020-JTI-EuroHPC-2019-2) by Arctur d.o.o.


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The password must contain both letters and numbers and must be at least 6 characters long.

* Denotes a mandatory field.

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